why you need an attorney during a divorce

why you need an attorney during a divorce

3 Reasons to Get Job Training or Further Your Education Prior to a Divorce

by Diana Butler

The decision to get a divorce is not an easy one, and nobody should rush into it. It's important to consider what's best for you, your spouse, and your children before moving forward with any part of the separation or divorce proceedings.

Safeguard your ability to provide for your children at every stage of this new, challenging time of your life. Here are some reasons you may want to consider furthering your education or gathering some new job skills before filing for divorce. Before making your final decision, be sure to consult with your divorce lawyer to determine what's best for your unique situation

You May Not Receive the Spousal Support You Imagine

Some people move forward with a divorce with the assumption that they won't have to worry about money after the divorce. They may be certain that the courts will rule that they receive a hefty sum in spousal support because they were married to a high-earning spouse for decades. However, you should never assume what the court will decide, and it's best to move forward with a worse-case scenario in mind so that you are protected in any situation.

You May Be Expected to Start Working Even If You've Stayed Home

You might be expected to enter the workforce even if you made the decision to be a stay-at-home parent for the past decade or more. As long as your children are in school and you don't have a disability, you may have to get a job, and that can be made all the more complicated if you haven't kept up with changes in your industry since you worked in it. Get up to speed prior to filing for divorce if you want to be sure that you're not left in the lurch with your career.

You May Need to Earn More for Child Support or Alimony

If you are going to be expected to provide spousal support to your soon-to-be ex and child support for your kids, you need to be certain that you are in a good position to support your family for many years to come. That's also a strong reason to do what you can to increase your earning power before you enter the challenging situation of owing a certain amount each month that is set by the courts.

Finally, keep in mind that every situation is unique, and no one decision would be right for all couples. You should be honest and up front with your spouse about why you want to further your education or sign up for extra training before filing for the divorce. If you and your soon-to-be ex start the divorce proceedings while being considerate of one another's needs, that sets the tone for a more cooperative experience, and it may ultimately help you both get a favorable outcome. Just be sure to consult your divorce attorney at firms like Baylor Family Law before agreeing to any terms with your spouse. 


About Me

why you need an attorney during a divorce

My daughter and her former husband went through some very tough years. They tried everything to make their marriage work, but it just wasn't going to work out. When she came to me for advice about what to do, I sent her on to a divorce attorney. I explained to her how important it is to have a legal professional working with you from the very start of a divorce. If you are preparing to file for a divorce, or are currently going through one, go to my site. There, you will learn several reasons why you should have an attorney representing you through the process.
